PET(4)-06-11 p16a

P-03-085 Surgeries in Flintshire

Petition wording

We, the doctors at the Laurels Surgery, Eyton Place Surgery and Allt Goch Medical Centre are frustrated (as we are sure you are) by our difficulties in offering enough appointments for our patients.


As you will be aware, we are totally constrained by the size of our building and desperately need to move to larger premises — preferably in a new Primary Care Centre.


Progress towards this has stopped following the recent appointment of the new Health Minister and we wish to bring our concerns to her notice.


We would ask that you sign this petition to support our efforts to have this process speeded up;


“As a patient at a GP Surgery in Flint, we would ask that our Assembly Member, Mrs Sandy Mewies, applies pressure at the Welsh Assembly Government for the development of a new Primary Care Centre as a matter of urgency.”


Link to petition:


Petition raised by: Gillian Robinson


Number of signatures:412